Blog | GLOW Surgical Arts

Why Women Choose Breast Augmentation

Written by GLOW Surgical Arts | March 12, 2019

Breast augmentation is the most popular cosmetic surgery performed in America. In 2017, more than 300,000 women in the United States underwent some type of breast augmentation procedure, according to data compiled by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Read on for five reasons why so many women choose to have breast augmentation, which also is one of the specialties of Drs. Paul Gorman and Renee Marshall at GLOW Surgical Arts.

Reason 1: Higher self-confidence

Are your breasts smaller than you would like? Have they started to sag as a consequence of childbirth or aging? This can make you feel less confident, less attractive, and lower your self-esteem. A breast augmentation procedure can transform your appearance, as well as your self-image. Many people find their desirability to potential partners is tied to their sense of self. Having a breast augmentation can also make you feel more alluring and enhance your own personal evaluation of your sex appeal.

Reason 2: Asymmetry

Breast asymmetry is more common than you might think—affecting the vast majority of women. This lack of symmetry is more pronounced for some people than others, which affects your appearance and even can make it difficult to find properly fitting clothes. A breast augmentation can potentially make breasts more equal in size and shape, while also enhancing their overall appearance.

Reason 3: Fluctuations in weight

Perhaps you are experiencing a weight change due to hormonal imbalance, or during or after pregnancy. Maybe you have just made a commitment to be healthier and lost a significant amount of weight. Any noticeable change in your weight can affect the volume and firmness of your breasts. A breast augmentation can help to regain lost volume and enhance the shape of your bust.

Reason 4: You've been thinking about having it done for years

The decision to have a breast augmentation is a deeply personal one. You've done all the research, considered the pros and cons, and made the choice that this surgery is what you need to be happier. If you have been thinking about having a breast augmentation for a while... maybe even years... what's holding you back? What are you waiting for? A qualified cosmetic surgeon like Dr. Paul Gorman and Dr. Renee Marshall at GLOW Surgical Arts should be able to address any lingering concerns or questions you may have.

Breast augmentation in Redwood City

GLOW Surgical Arts considers breast augmentation to be one of our specialties in the wide array of cosmetic surgery procedures that we provide. We currently have a special on breast augmentation, but the discounted prices won't last long. The next step is to visit one of our cosmetic surgeons for the pre-procedure consultation, at which time you can answer any questions you may have and talk about your aesthetic goals. Your health history will be reviewed, to make sure you are a good candidate for the procedure. Schedule your consultation today by calling (650) 241-2209.

GLOW Surgical Arts offers cutting-edge cosmetic surgery to our patients in Redwood City and throughout the Bay Area of California.