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Double Chins, When Two Is Not Better Than One

Written by GLOW Surgical Arts | October 2, 2018

Do you have a double chin? If so, you are actually in the majority of the American population. According to data released by the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery, 68 percent of the population of the United States has this physical flaw. You also can alleviate the appearance of a double chin through cosmetic surgical procedures, which are more convenient and comfortable than ever before when performed by state-of-the-art surgeons like Dr. Paul Gorman and Dr. Renee Marshall at GLOW Surgical Arts.

Learn about what causes a double chin.

Clinically referred to as submental fullness, a double chin is an appearance issue that is created from having an excess of fat—usually in the form of a layer that gathers underneath the chin. These areas usually have lax skin, making the layer of fat appear to be more prominent.

Many people develop double chins—even those who are not overweight, or who are at their ideal weight. The causes of a double chin include heredity, weight, anatomy, and the positioning of the airway.

We can use several different methods to correct the appearance of a double chin.

Chin liposuction can resolve the appearance of a double chin, by removing the fatty deposits that have accumulated under the chin, jaw, and the front of the neck. Your Redwood City cosmetic surgeon This is an extremely convenient procedure that can be completed in as little as an hour and most patients who undergo a chin liposuction can resume their regular routine after a few days.

Neck liposuction is another option. This procedure also removes fat from beneath the skin of the neck, also sculpting the chin and neck contour. A neck liposuction is recommended for patients who have those deposits of fat, but also have retained good skin tone and muscle tone. That makes the liposuction recommended for patients who are younger, and thus more likely to have good skin elasticity.

Certain lifestyle choices can impede your candidacy for a liposuction procedure, such as regular alcohol consumption, use of tobacco in any form, and any blood thinner medications or supplements such as fish oil and garlic that may make you vulnerable to excessive bleeding during surgery. Any patient who is undergoing a liposuction should stop partaking in alcohol and tobacco for at least two weeks prior to the procedure. If you take prescription blood thinners, you may need to negotiate with your general physician on the best way to curtail those doses and reduce your risk of bleeding in or after surgery.

Liposuction in Redwood City

At GLOW Surgical Arts, Dr. Paul Gorman and Dr. Renee Marshall can perform liposuctions on various areas of the body to improve appearance flaws. Possible target areas include the chin and neck, but also the abdomen, flanks, back, arms, thighs, lower legs, and buttocks. Currently, our office is having a fall promotion, offering patients 50 percent off an additional area of liposuction—a value of $500—assuming that procedures are booked before October 30 and completed before November 30. GLOW Surgical Arts charges per area for liposuction procedures so, if lipo is performed on three areas of the body, one of those locations would be eligible for the 50 percent discount.

To learn more about liposuction or any of the procedures offered at GLOW Surgical Arts, call our office.