Blog | GLOW Surgical Arts

Telling Your Family You Want Cosmetic Surgery

Written by GLOW Surgical Arts | May 3, 2018

If you’re thinking about having cosmetic surgery, you’ll need to tell those people closest to you. But how will they react? Will they question your decision to improve your body image and self-confidence?

In all likelihood, they will. Many family members will wonder why you would spend money on cosmetic surgery when they think you’re perfect already.

Even though you may have a difference of opinion, it’s important to have your family’s support before pursuing cosmetic surgery, no matter how minor of a procedure you’re considering. Not only will you need their physical support immediately following surgery, but you’ll need emotional support as you move forward with your decision.

To gain the support of your friends and family members, here are some things to consider.

  1. Make them understand why you want to have surgery. If there’s an aspect of your appearance that negatively impacts your self-confidence, point it out. They may already be aware of how you feel and will be quick to offer support. If they don’t know, this is a great time to tell them exactly how your perceived imperfection influences your life. Tell them you need the surgery to help you feel better about yourself and gain the confidence you need to succeed personally and professionally.
  2. If you are having cosmetic surgery due to a medical problem (for example, male gynecomastia or eyelid surgery to help you see clearly), make sure your friends and family understand this. They will more than likely offer support quickly if they understand the reasons behind your decision.
  3. Talk with your spouse if you are considering a procedure that will significantly alter your appearance. For example, breast reductions or augmentations will make your body look much different and your spouse needs to be onboard with your decision from the very beginning.
  4. Talk extensively with your cosmetic surgeon. Many people find it easier to address the concerns of their family and friends if they’re armed with answers. During a consultation, your cosmetic surgeon will provide all the facts you need to speak intelligently about your procedure.
  5. Find a convenient time to speak with your family and friends. Don’t have the conversation in a public place since some of the topics you will discuss may be rather sensitive. Seek out a time that’s relaxed and somewhat private. Additionally, consider if you’d like to divulge the information to a small group or individually.

Want more pointers? We’re here to help. Schedule a complimentary consultation today and we’ll give you all the information you need to begin discussing your surgery.