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Short Scar or Full Face Lift? Which is Right for Me?

Written by GLOW Surgical Arts | November 2, 2017

Unlike laser treatments and injectable fillers, facelift surgery may provide dramatic and long-lasting results. The sagging and wrinkles that come with aging are immediately erased from your appearance.

Thousands of men and women look to facelift surgery to achieve a smooth, firm appearance along the jawline, in the cheeks, the jowls and neck. There are several variations of facelift surgery that will achieve a toned, youthful appearance. Generally speaking, there are two options: a short-scar facelift, also called a mini-facelift, and a full-face facelift or traditional facelift.

Short-Scar Facelift

A short-scar facelift is minimally invasive. During the procedure, the deeper tissues of your skin are repositioned. Some excess skin is removed which helps your appearance look fresh and natural, not overdone and pulled taught. It's best for younger patients who don't have a large amount of sagging, or for prior facelift patients who want to freshen up their appearance.

Scars are hidden around your ears so even when you wear your hair pulled back, no scarring is evident. In some cases, a small incision may be required under your chin to address neck sagging.

The surgery takes a couple of hours and is usually performed using IV sedation so you're not groggy and/or nauseated when you wake. Healing time with a short-scar facelift is quick. Most patients are back to normal after about a week. You will experience some swelling, bruising and tenderness in your face and neck. Oral pain relievers and ice packs are generally used to reduce discomfort.

Traditional Facelift

A traditional facelift is more involved. More skin and tissue is removed and more tissues are tightened, and the surgical incisions are longer. More skin is removed, and the jowls, jaw line, neck and cheeks are improved.

A full facelift is ideal for people with significant sagging and signs of aging. Typical patients are in their 50s, 60s or even 70s. The procedure may be done under IV sedation, and recovery time is longer than a short-scar facelift. You'll experience more bruising and swelling and may need two weeks before you feel comfortable getting back into your normal routine. Therefore, you should plan the timing of your surgery accordingly.

While it is highly effective, a traditional facelift is a more invasive procedure. You should take time to ask questions and research the procedure before deciding if it's right for you. The first step is a complimentary consultation with a GLOW Surgical Arts cosmetic surgeon.

Contact us today to request an appointment. We'll be glad to discuss your options and help you decide which type of facelift will bring the results you desire.