Blog | GLOW Surgical Arts

Will a 'Mommy Makeover' Help Me?

Written by GLOW Surgical Arts | February 20, 2017

If you’ve had children, your body probably looks a lot different now. Pregnancy and motherhood can wreak havoc, leaving your breasts flattened and saggy, your stomach stretched and your hips a little larger than you'd like.

Many women are opting for “Mommy Makeovers” to get their bodies back after childbirth. A Mommy Makeover isn’t a specific procedure; rather, it’s a package of services that address your specific areas of concern. The goal is to reverse the physical effects of childbearing, making you feel and look younger, more vibrant and toned.

While you can tailor your Mommy Makeover to meet your own unique needs, popular packages include a breast lift, a tummy tuck and some liposuction around the hips and thighs.

Usually, these procedures can be safely combined into one surgical procedure which reduces the amount of downtime you’ll experience. And that's a very important consideration for a mother with kids to care for!

Read on to learn more about the surgical procedures that are usually included in a Mommy Makeover.

Breast Lift

A breast lift, or mastopexy, raises and reshapes sagging breasts. Based on the amount of sagging you have, your cosmetic surgeon will recommend the right kind of lift to restore perky, youthful breasts. You can also add a breast augmentation or reduction to your breast lift, depending on your desired outcome. Remember – you’ll need to wait until you’ve weaned your infant before proceeding with surgical breast enhancement.

Tummy Tuck

A tummy tuck will dramatically improve your stomach’s appearance by removing the excess sagging skin and stretch marks that resulted from your pregnancy. An incision will be made in between your navel and pubic bone, allowing excess fat, skin and tissue to be removed. Your surgeon can also repair weakened abdominal muscles during the procedure.


Liposuction is a surgical procedure that eliminates stubborn, fatty deposits that don’t respond to dieting or an exercise regimen. You’ll see immediate results after the fat is removed. You'll enjoy the results for years to come as long as you follow a sensible diet and exercise program.

We can help you devise a plan of action that will get you back to you former self and ready for swimsuit season. Schedule a complimentary consultation with our experienced cosmetic surgeons by calling (650) 562-6762 or using our online form to request an appointment.