Blog | GLOW Surgical Arts

How To Prepare For Your Breast Augmentation Procedure

Written by GLOW Surgical Arts | September 6, 2016

If you’ve already scheduled an appointment for breast augmentation, you’re most likely feeling excited about the positive changes that will soon be happening to your body and emotional well-being. After all, cosmetic surgery not only helps enhance your physical appearance and the way you feel about your body, but can boost your confidence and self-esteem, too!

To ensure the best possible results from your breast enhancement procedure, you must follow a set of steps in the weeks and days before your procedure that will help you prepare for surgery.

Schedule a consultation with GLOW Surgical Arts to learn more about breast augmentation!

Ready to make the most out of breast augmentation? Here are several steps you should take in advance to ensure you experience the safest possible surgery and recovery.

Two weeks before breast augmentation surgery

  • Stop smoking. Ideally, you should stop smoking as soon as you’ve made the decision to have breast augmentation surgery. The sooner you quit, the sooner your body can repair itself so it can experience a safe, speedy recovery. Smoking narrows your blood vessels and makes it more difficult for your body to deliver oxygen, blood, and nutrients to your healing breast wounds. Smoking can also increase the risk for complications during and after surgery.
  • Make arrangements for childcare and pet care. You’ll need help caring for children and pets on the day of surgery, and for the first several days after surgery while you recover.
  • Make transportation arrangements. Arrange for someone to drive you to and from surgery, since anesthesia and surgery will prevent you from driving yourself home.
  • Consult with your surgeon about any tests that may be needed, and about any medications you’re currently taking. Your surgeon might also advise you to stop taking certain medications, such as ibuprofen, aspirin, or blood thinning medications.

One week before breast augmentation surgery

  • Stop drinking alcohol. Alcohol consumption can increase the risk for bleeding during surgery.
  • Pick up your prescription for pain relief medication, if applicable.
  • Alert your cosmetic surgeon of any current illnesses or infections you’re trying to overcome. This allows you to treat and resolve any health problems in a timely manner before the date of your surgery.

One day before breast augmentation surgery

  • Pack essential items to bring to the clinic. Think about the items you’ll need immediately following surgery, such as lip balm, water, dry snacks, and a pillow for the ride home.
  • Prepare to wear or bring loose clothing. Comfortable tops that button or zip down the front are ideal to wear home after surgery, since you won’t have to pull them over your head.
  • Confirm whether you are able have a light meal and beverage on the morning of your surgery, and be sure to get a good night’s rest.

The day of breast augmentation surgery

  • Take a shower using the provided cleansing soap, as this helps clean the skin.
  • Avoid using under-arm deodorant or body lotion.
  • Arrive at the surgery center on time as directed by your surgeon. This allows ample time for check-in, and for any anesthesia or medications to start taking effect.

If you have any other questions about preparing for breast augmentation, don’t hesitate to contact your cosmetic surgeon for more information. Your surgeon will most likely provide you with a detailed list of instructions far ahead of time so you can make the necessary preparations, and experience the safest possible surgery and outcome.

Are you considering breast augmentation surgery? Request a consultation with GLOW Surgical Arts to learn if breast augmentation is right for you, and get started on the path to more shapely, voluminous breasts that can enhance your natural curves!