Blog | GLOW Surgical Arts

What To Expect After Breast Augmentation Surgery

Written by GLOW Surgical Arts | October 26, 2016

The way you care for yourself throughout the days, weeks, and months following breast augmentation will end up playing a major role in your final results. But before you go into surgery, knowing more about how you’ll feel immediately after your procedure can help you cope and get through your earliest hours with new, enhanced breasts.

Schedule a consultation with GLOW Surgical Arts to learn more about how breast augmentation surgery can enhance your breast size and natural curves!

Here’s what you can expect immediately after having breast augmentation.

Immediately after your procedure

Shortly after your breast augmentation procedure is complete, you may feel groggy or a bit tired.

It is possible to experience nausea after the procedure. If you’re feeling nauseated, inform your nurse or surgeon immediately, so they can help alleviate your discomfort.

As a result of having breast augmentation, you’ll experience discomfort and mild swelling in your breasts and throughout your chest region following surgery. You may also experience one or more of the following common side effects throughout recovery.

Feelings of engorgement

Your breasts may feel tender, painful, engorged, and heavy, as if pressure is being applied to your chest. These are all normal sensations to have following breast augmentation, and tend to go away within one week as swelling abates.

Chest tightness

Women who have implants placed under the chest muscle will most likely experience tightness and pressure in their chests, since pectoral muscles are now being stretched over the implants. The feeling of tightness feels similar to muscle soreness, and gradually goes away within two weeks.

Loss of appetite

Pain medications can sometimes affect your appetite, and induce nausea and vomiting. General discomfort can also make you feel too tired and weary to eat. While loss of appetite is normal, understand that you must still eat to take care of yourself and to maintain your body’s healing process.

Limited mobility

Before surgery, your cosmetic surgeon will discuss the types of activities you should avoid throughout recovery. Certain activities, such as heavy lifting, may be prohibited until your breasts and incisions have fully healed. If your implants were placed under the muscle, you may notice more tightness and pain when doing simple, everyday tasks. Keep in mind that these feelings are normal, and will eventually dissipate throughout recovery.

Back pain

After breast augmentation surgery, you may feel inclined to walk with your shoulders hunched forward to instinctively protect your chest. Since your chest is now larger and bearing extra weight, keep in mind that walking in this manner affects your posture and can lead to back pain. Focus on keeping your back straight throughout recovery to lower your risk for back pain.

Itchy, flaking skin

You may develop itchy, flaking skin on your breasts due to your skin being stretched over your implants. Apply moisturizing lotion to your breasts to prevent and manage dry, flaking skin. Take extra care to ensure the lotion doesn’t come into contact with your incision during the early healing stages.

Ask your cosmetic surgeon about other side effects you might experience after having breast augmentation surgery. In most cases, your cosmetic surgeon will discuss the nature of breast augmentation in length at your initial consultation, and answer any and all questions you have to ensure the procedure can help you achieve your ideal look. Healing and recovering from breast augmentation may take some time, but your results will truly be worth the wait!

GLOW Surgical Arts offers a variety of cosmetic procedures that can help enhance the appearance of your breasts. Schedule a consultation with GLOW Surgical Arts today to learn more about our cosmetic surgery procedures that can help you look and feel more confident than ever!