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Exploring The Beauty Benefits Of Cosmetic Fat Transfer Procedures

Written by GLOW Surgical Arts | November 1, 2016

Have you ever thought about how wonderful it would be to move excess fat from one part of your body to another to enhance your feminine curves? Many women wish they could reduce volume and excess fat in areas such as their tummies and thighs, and transfer this volume over to areas such as the lips, breasts, and buttocks.

Thanks to a cosmetic procedure known as fat grafting, women can have excess fat transferred to one or more parts of the body where a fuller, more voluminous look is desired.

Schedule a consultation with GLOW Surgical Arts to learn more about our fat grafting procedures!

Here’s a close look at how cosmetic fat transfer procedures can help you look more beautiful and lend to new, voluminous curves and a rejuvenated appearance.

Breast fat transfer

If your goal is to achieve fuller, more voluminous breasts, you can opt for either breast augmentation or breast fat transfer. While both cosmetic procedures can help you achieve larger breasts, breast fat transfer enhances your breast size using excess fat from other parts of your body. After excess fat is removed from your body using liposuction, the tissue is harvested for fat grafting and inserted into your breasts to enhance their size. This added benefit helps reduce volume in certain areas where excess fat is unwanted while improving the volume of your breasts.

Buttocks fat transfer

If you’d like rounder, more voluminous buttocks, then a buttocks fat transfer can help you achieve your ideal look. Also known as a Brazilian butt lift, this procedure can fill in depressions caused by cellulite or trauma to create a smoother silhouette for your backside. In a manner similar to breast fat transfer, this procedure involves the transferring of excess fat from one or more parts of your body to your buttocks.

Facial fat transfer

This procedure is ideal for those who want to restore volume that has been lost on certain areas of the face, such as the cheeks, lips, and nasolabial folds, also known as laugh lines. A facial fat transfer helps rejuvenate your appearance by smoothing fine lines and wrinkles so you can look younger than your true years. While dermal fillers are also effective at restoring volume and filling in fine lines and wrinkles, a facial fat transfer produces softer, more natural results since your own fat tissue is being used.

Hand fat transfer

If your hands have wrinkles or look older than they should, a hand fat transfer helps smooth and improve the contours of your hands. This procedure is ideal for anyone who feels self-conscious about the appearance of their hands and wants to rejuvenate their appearance. In most cases, sun damage is the biggest culprit behind aging hands, but hand fat transfer can add volume where needed to achieve a more youthful look and reverse the effects of excess sun exposure.

Should you have a fat transfer procedure?

If you want to smooth out your curves and improve your body contour, fat transfer could be your ideal solution. If your goal is to fill in bodily depressions or plump your hands and/or face, choose fat transfer. Ideal candidates for this procedure must have excess fat that can be taken from donor sites such as the thighs, buttocks, and stomach. Since this procedure uses your own tissue, it’s also important that you don’t smoke or have circulation problems that could cause problems with healing and recovery.

If you’re unsure about whether fat transfer is right for you, schedule a consultation with an experienced, board-certified cosmetic surgeon who can talk to you about your options. Inform your cosmetic surgeon about the goals you hope to achieve through fat transfer; you might even learn you could benefit by combining two or more cosmetic procedures or other treatments that can help you look and feel younger, more confident, and more beautiful!

GLOW Surgical Arts offers a variety of fat transfer procedures that can help enhance your curves and silhouette! Schedule a consultation with GLOW Surgical Arts today to learn more about our cosmetic surgery procedures that can help you look and feel more confident than ever!