Blog | GLOW Surgical Arts

3 Signs A Tummy Tuck Will Benefit You

Written by GLOW Surgical Arts | June 20, 2016

Many people are living with a belly “pooch” they don’t like because they don’t realize there’s something they can do about it. Some people think they can diet and exercise to get a flat belly again. The reality is, many people require tummy tuck surgery to get a sculpted, toned midsection. Consider whether these situations apply to you.

You see loose skin on your abdomen

This is often easy for a patient to identify. The skin may look wrinkled or crepey, and it often becomes more noticeable when you lean forward or sit down.

In some patients, the skin looks fairly smooth but it’s not tight against the abdominal muscles, creating a paunchy or muffin-top appearance. If you can easily pinch excess skin on your abdomen, diet and exercise isn’t going to get rid of it. A tummy tuck makes the skin tight by removing the excess skin.

Your abdominal muscles are loosened or separated

Whether your skin looks loose or not, there may be problems below the surface that greatly impact how flat your stomach appears. If you’ve tried diet and exercise but your tummy still looks less toned and sculpted than it used to, you could have loose muscles or a diastasis recti.

Diastasis recti is a condition that occurs as a result of pregnancy or previous weight gain. It’s a separation of the rectus abdominus muscles on the front of your abdomen. These muscles do normally separate when a pregnant woman’s belly grows, but sometimes they do not come back together after a woman has her baby.

People with diastasis recti often have a tummy that sticks out more than it should, even if they are not significantly overweight. Some women have a prominent stomach that looks pregnant even when it’s not. This common issue can be corrected with a tummy tuck, and you get the added benefit of tightening the skin too.

You’re happy with your overall figure — except your midsection

Do you have to carefully select clothes that will camouflage your midsection? Do you walk around trying to “suck in” your stomach?

For many people, problems with the belly have very little to do with fat, and more to do with loosened skin and muscle. This may give the appearance of being overweight even when the rest of your body is relatively fit. Many people assume they need some liposuction on their belly, only to find out that the issue is skin and muscle, not fat. But, liposuction can be combined with a tummy tuck to give you the optimal results if it’s needed.

You don’t have to live your life in baggy shirts or waist shaping garments. You can get a tummy that looks amazing again with the help of a cosmetic surgeon at GLOW Surgical Arts. Contact us to schedule your tummy tuck consultation today!

(650) 241-2209cx

Many people are living with a belly “pooch” they don’t like because they don’t realize there’s something they can do about it. Some people think they can diet and exercise to get a flat belly again. The reality is, many people require tummy tuck surgery to get a sculpted, toned midsection. Consider whether these situations apply to you.

You see loose skin on your abdomen

This is often easy for a patient to identify. The skin may look wrinkled or crepey, and it often becomes more noticeable when you lean forward or sit down.

In some patients, the skin looks fairly smooth but it’s not tight against the abdominal muscles, creating a paunchy or muffin-top appearance. If you can easily pinch excess skin on your abdomen, diet and exercise isn’t going to get rid of it. A tummy tuck makes the skin tight by removing the excess skin.

Your abdominal muscles are loosened or separated

Whether your skin looks loose or not, there may be problems below the surface that greatly impact how flat your stomach appears. If you’ve tried diet and exercise but your tummy still looks less toned and sculpted than it used to, you could have loose muscles or a diastasis recti.

Diastasis recti is a condition that occurs as a result of pregnancy or previous weight gain. It’s a separation of the rectus abdominus muscles on the front of your abdomen. These muscles do normally separate when a pregnant woman’s belly grows, but sometimes they do not come back together after a woman has her baby.

People with diastasis recti often have a tummy that sticks out more than it should, even if they are not significantly overweight. Some women have a prominent stomach that looks pregnant even when it’s not. This common issue can be corrected with a tummy tuck, and you get the added benefit of tightening the skin too.

You’re happy with your overall figure — except your midsection

Do you have to carefully select clothes that will camouflage your midsection? Do you walk around trying to “suck in” your stomach?

For many people, problems with the belly have very little to do with fat, and more to do with loosened skin and muscle. This may give the appearance of being overweight even when the rest of your body is relatively fit. Many people assume they need some liposuction on their belly, only to find out that the issue is skin and muscle, not fat. But, liposuction can be combined with a tummy tuck to give you the optimal results if it’s needed.

You don’t have to live your life in baggy shirts or waist shaping garments. You can get a tummy that looks amazing again with the help of a cosmetic surgeon at GLOW Surgical Arts. Contact us to schedule your tummy tuck consultation today!Many people are living with a belly “pooch” they don’t like because they don’t realize there’s something they can do about it. Some people think they can diet and exercise to get a flat belly again. The reality is, many people require tummy tuck surgery to get a sculpted, toned midsection. Consider whether these situations apply to you.

You see loose skin on your abdomen

This is often easy for a patient to identify. The skin may look wrinkled or crepey, and it often becomes more noticeable when you lean forward or sit down.

In some patients, the skin looks fairly smooth but it’s not tight against the abdominal muscles, creating a paunchy or muffin-top appearance. If you can easily pinch excess skin on your abdomen, diet and exercise isn’t going to get rid of it. A tummy tuck makes the skin tight by removing the excess skin.

Your abdominal muscles are loosened or separated

Whether your skin looks loose or not, there may be problems below the surface that greatly impact how flat your stomach appears. If you’ve tried diet and exercise but your tummy still looks less toned and sculpted than it used to, you could have loose muscles or a diastasis recti.

Diastasis recti is a condition that occurs as a result of pregnancy or previous weight gain. It’s a separation of the rectus abdominus muscles on the front of your abdomen. These muscles do normally separate when a pregnant woman’s belly grows, but sometimes they do not come back together after a woman has her baby.

People with diastasis recti often have a tummy that sticks out more than it should, even if they are not significantly overweight. Some women have a prominent stomach that looks pregnant even when it’s not. This common issue can be corrected with a tummy tuck, and you get the added benefit of tightening the skin too.

You’re happy with your overall figure — except your midsection

Do you have to carefully select clothes that will camouflage your midsection? Do you walk around trying to “suck in” your stomach?

For many people, problems with the belly have very little to do with fat, and more to do with loosened skin and muscle. This may give the appearance of being overweight even when the rest of your body is relatively fit. Many people assume they need some liposuction on their belly, only to find out that the issue is skin and muscle, not fat. But, liposuction can be combined with a tummy tuck to give you the optimal results if it’s needed.

You don’t have to live your life in baggy shirts or waist shaping garments. You can get a tummy that looks amazing again with the help of a cosmetic surgeon at GLOW Surgical Arts. Contact us to schedule your tummy tuck consultation today!

Many people are living with a belly “pooch” they don’t like because they don’t realize there’s something they can do about it. Some people think they can diet and exercise to get a flat belly again. The reality is, many people require tummy tuck surgery to get a sculpted, toned midsection. Consider whether these situations apply to you.

You see loose skin on your abdomen

This is often easy for a patient to identify. The skin may look wrinkled or crepey, and it often becomes more noticeable when you lean forward or sit down.

In some patients, the skin looks fairly smooth but it’s not tight against the abdominal muscles, creating a paunchy or muffin-top appearance. If you can easily pinch excess skin on your abdomen, diet and exercise isn’t going to get rid of it. A tummy tuck makes the skin tight by removing the excess skin.

Your abdominal muscles are loosened or separated

Whether your skin looks loose or not, there may be problems below the surface that greatly impact how flat your stomach appears. If you’ve tried diet and exercise but your tummy still looks less toned and sculpted than it used to, you could have loose muscles or a diastasis recti.

Diastasis recti is a condition that occurs as a result of pregnancy or previous weight gain. It’s a separation of the rectus abdominus muscles on the front of your abdomen. These muscles do normally separate when a pregnant woman’s belly grows, but sometimes they do not come back together after a woman has her baby.

People with diastasis recti often have a tummy that sticks out more than it should, even if they are not significantly overweight. Some women have a prominent stomach that looks pregnant even when it’s not. This common issue can be corrected with a tummy tuck, and you get the added benefit of tightening the skin too.

You’re happy with your overall figure — except your midsection

Do you have to carefully select clothes that will camouflage your midsection? Do you walk around trying to “suck in” your stomach?

For many people, problems with the belly have very little to do with fat, and more to do with loosened skin and muscle. This may give the appearance of being overweight even when the rest of your body is relatively fit. Many people assume they need some liposuction on their belly, only to find out that the issue is skin and muscle, not fat. But, liposuction can be combined with a tummy tuck to give you the optimal results if it’s needed.

You don’t have to live your life in baggy shirts or waist shaping garments. You can get a tummy that looks amazing again with the help of a cosmetic surgeon at GLOW Surgical Arts. Contact us to schedule your tummy tuck consultation today!

Many people are living with a belly “pooch” they don’t like because they don’t realize there’s something they can do about it. Some people think they can diet and exercise to get a flat belly again. The reality is, many people require tummy tuck surgery to get a sculpted, toned midsection. Consider whether these situations apply to you.

You see loose skin on your abdomen

This is often easy for a patient to identify. The skin may look wrinkled or crepey, and it often becomes more noticeable when you lean forward or sit down.

In some patients, the skin looks fairly smooth but it’s not tight against the abdominal muscles, creating a paunchy or muffin-top appearance. If you can easily pinch excess skin on your abdomen, diet and exercise isn’t going to get rid of it. A tummy tuck makes the skin tight by removing the excess skin.

Your abdominal muscles are loosened or separated

Whether your skin looks loose or not, there may be problems below the surface that greatly impact how flat your stomach appears. If you’ve tried diet and exercise but your tummy still looks less toned and sculpted than it used to, you could have loose muscles or a diastasis recti.

Diastasis recti is a condition that occurs as a result of pregnancy or previous weight gain. It’s a separation of the rectus abdominus muscles on the front of your abdomen. These muscles do normally separate when a pregnant woman’s belly grows, but sometimes they do not come back together after a woman has her baby.

People with diastasis recti often have a tummy that sticks out more than it should, even if they are not significantly overweight. Some women have a prominent stomach that looks pregnant even when it’s not. This common issue can be corrected with a tummy tuck, and you get the added benefit of tightening the skin too.

You’re happy with your overall figure — except your midsection

Do you have to carefully select clothes that will camouflage your midsection? Do you walk around trying to “suck in” your stomach?

For many people, problems with the belly have very little to do with fat, and more to do with loosened skin and muscle. This may give the appearance of being overweight even when the rest of your body is relatively fit. Many people assume they need some liposuction on their belly, only to find out that the issue is skin and muscle, not fat. But, liposuction can be combined with a tummy tuck to give you the optimal results if it’s needed.

You don’t have to live your life in baggy shirts or waist shaping garments. You can get a tummy that looks amazing again with the help of a cosmetic surgeon at GLOW Surgical Arts. Contact us to schedule your tummy tuck consultation today!