Blog | GLOW Surgical Arts

A Mother's Guide To Breast Augmentation

Written by GLOW Surgical Arts | January 28, 2016

In one year, about 300,000 women undergo breast augmentation surgery. Perhaps thousands more women are thinking about getting breast augmentation -- but they haven’t taken that first step.

Moms in particular often hesitate to get cosmetic surgery. Most mothers today are stretched thin between family, work, and social obligations -- so getting cosmetic surgery is often at the bottom of a very long to-do list. But what they don’t realize is that finding a little time to get the procedure they’ve been wanting can do so much for their personal and professional well-being. Here are some of the most common reasons moms feel they can’t get the breast augmentation they really want -- and what to do about them:

Problem #1: I’m too busy with the kids

No doubt you’re feeling busy and overwhelmed nearly every day. But this is the perfect opportunity to ask for help -- from your partner, family, or friends. If you can get someone to take over your duties for a few days, you’ll be able to recover comfortably and gradually get back to your daily activities. And, recovery is often shorter and easier than you think. Chances are, you have someone in your life who would be more than happy to assist you so you can do something great for your own self-esteem. Once you’ve been able to heal and recover, you’ll feel like your old self again -- but you’ll look even more youthful, vibrant, and sexy.

Problem #2: I’m worried that I won’t be able to breastfeed later

Most women who get breast implants have zero problems with breastfeeding afterward. If you talk with your cosmetic surgeon about the desire to breastfeed later, he or she will ensure that the milk ducts and nipple are not disturbed and every effort made to maintain your ability to breastfeed with the procedure. In addition, having implants will not affect the health of your baby in any way -- either during pregnancy or during nursing.

Problem #3: I can’t take that kind of time for myself

Most moms feel that they need to give all their time and energy to others -- their kids, spouse, and close family. But if you give everything you have and never take time to do something that makes you feel good, eventually you run into exhaustion and burnout. In fact, taking time to do something that makes you feel great and more like your pre-mom self can renew and refresh your outlook on life, helping you do everything you do with more energy and happiness.

Don’t hold off on that cosmetic surgery you’ve been dreaming about. It could be just what you need to give yourself that boost to feel great! Click below to view the real results from some of our patients to get an idea of what breast enhancement surgery can do for you!