Blog | GLOW Surgical Arts

Questions To Ask Your Surgeon Before Breast Augmentation

Written by GLOW Surgical Arts | September 1, 2015

Many women go into breast augmentation with a good idea of what they want. You may be thinking about your new cup size, and how your figure will look in a bikini. These are all great visuals to keep in mind, but this is only one part of the process.

One of the best ways to get accurate information about breast augmentation is to ask questions in your pre-surgery consultation. This gives you the full picture of not only the surgery itself, but your recovery and your final outcome once you've healed. When you talk with your cosmetic surgeon, be sure you ask the following questions:

  • What size, shape, and type of implant do you recommend for me? Although you may think you know exactly what bra size you want to become, it’s not always so simple. Your surgeon should have expertise in determining a perfect implant for you based on your figure and bone structure, your lifestyle, skin elasticity, and, yes, your desired appearance. You should tell your surgeon your wishes and try on different implants to get an idea, but ultimately, you’ll appreciate the skill and experience of your surgeon in choosing an implant that fits your body.
  • What will my recovery be like? It’s true that today’s procedures can lend themselves to a quicker, easier recovery than the breast implants of decades past. However, this is major surgery and you will be uncomfortable for a few days or weeks as you heal. Talk to your surgeon about pain relief options and what you can expect. Once you’ve booked your surgery, plan on taking plenty of time off work and finding someone to help you with children, family obligations, or other activities. If you exert yourself too much before your body has recovered, you’ll set yourself up for more discomfort and less-than-optimal healing.
  • Can I see before and after photos? A picture is worth a thousand words, so seeing your surgeon’s work on real people can give you the clearest idea of what you can expect. You should also ask about the surgeon’s experience in breast augmentation, and whether he or she does this procedure regularly.

Before you leave, make sure the surgeon shares the full cost of the procedure with you and where it will be performed. You may wish to take notes during the conversation so you can go back and review them later. A good cosmetic surgeon should be happy to answer any and all questions, so don’t be shy. You deserve to have all the information you need to make a decision you’re comfortable with.

If you would like to learn more about breast augmentation, download a free copy of the ebook The Ultimate Guide to Breast Augmentation from GLOW Surgical Arts.