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Get A Shapely Figure With A Brazilian Butt Lift

Written by GLOW Surgical Arts | July 28, 2015

Helen of Troy's face may have launched a thousand ships more than 3,000 years ago, but it's fairly common knowledge that a shapely behind is high on the list of considerations for what makes a woman attractive today. Celebrities like Jennifer Lopez have made curvy bottoms popular, and fashions like bikinis and short shorts aim to show off a lifted and well-shaped posterior.

The fact is age and genetics don't always make it easy for women to keep their behinds in the kind of shape they'd like them to be. Weight gain and weight loss or just plain aging can leave rear ends saggy, and if women are prone to cellulite, the behind is one of the most common areas where it shows and leaves things puckering.

A shapely behind can help women look great and have more confidence. It can make a woman look great on the beach, or just help her fill out those skinny jeans smoothly. But as much as women may diet and exercise, the effects of time may prevent them from having the kind of behind they want the world to see.

Butt lift vs. implant

In recent years, many women have received butt implants in an effort to have a shapelier bottom. Butt implants can sometimes do the trick, but also pose the following risks:

  • rupture, since the majority of body weight rests on them while sitting
  • an unnatural feel
  • larger incision and scar
  • possibility of repeat surgery within a year

Brazilian butt lifts don't have any of these complications. Butt lifts accomplish what an implant does with far fewer complications and shorter recovery times, allowing women to gain the appearance they desire.

What is a Brazilian butt lift?

A Brazilian butt lift uses fat transfer to achieve the desired result of a shapelier behind. Fat from another area of your body is harvested and injected into your bottom, sometimes on multiple occasions over a period of time. The result is a smoother, lifted and shaped bottom that will look great in your favorite swimsuit or tiny shorts.

Recovery time from this procedure is far shorter, since there is no incision and no general anesthesia required. Additionally, risks are minimized because the procedure is less invasive.

Not only will your bottom look more shapely, but the fat taken from another part of your body, such as your thighs or abdomen, will also help slim down those areas. It's a double improvement; no implant could give those kinds of results.

The “bottom” line

You don't have to live with the effects of time or life events like pregnancy on your bottom. With a Brazilian butt lift, you can love your bottom again and feel confident with others seeing it at the beach, pool, or even in your favorite shorts.

GLOW Surgical Arts is pleased to offer the Brazilian butt lift to our patients searching for greater confidence in their bodies. Contact GLOW Surgical Arts for a free consultation today.

Topics: Brazilian butt lift, fat transfer to buttocks, buttock lift, buttock enhancement