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4 Factors To Consider When Planning For Breast Augmentation

Written by GLOW Surgical Arts | January 27, 2015

Making the decision to have breast augmentation can be an exciting time period in your life. Breast augmentation continues to be the top cosmetic procedure for women in the US, and most patients report an enhanced quality of life and improved confidence after the procedure. When you’re in the process of planning for augmentation, there are certain factors you must take into consideration, such as the size and type of implants you want, as well as finding an experienced cosmetic surgeon who can help you achieve your ideal look.

Here are four major factors to take into consideration when you’re planning on having breast augmentation.

1. Implant size

Most women already have their ideal implant size in mind before meeting with their cosmetic surgeons at the initial consultation. Women who wear an “A” cup bra may want to upsize to a “B” cup, whereas women who wear a “B” cup may want to upsize to a “C” cup. Some women may even express that they want bigger breasts without looking like they obviously had breast augmentation, whereas other women may request that they get the same size implants as their friend. However, your cosmetic surgeon will educate you about your specific anatomy, and how it ties into choosing the ideal breast implant size for you.

Since every woman’s body is different, it’s important that you decide on implants that will best complement your physical appearance. Your cosmetic surgeon will take measurements of your body and bust, and make recommendations accordingly during your consultation to help you arrive at the best choice. You might even have the opportunity to try on different implant sizes to determine which size makes you feel most comfortable and confident.

2. Implant type: silicone versus saline

During your initial consultation, your cosmetic surgeon will explain to you the differences between silicone and saline breast implants. According to statistics published by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, 72 percent of all breast augmentation patients choose silicone implants over saline because they feel that silicone implants result in the most natural look and feel. On the other hand, patients interested in smaller incisions and less visible scarring may opt for saline implants.

If you’re not quite sure which type of implant to choose, ask your cosmetic surgeon what they recommend. In most cases, your surgeon will be able to provide you with the information and resources needed to help you arrive at the best decision for you.

3. Incision site

A top concern many women have about breast augmentation is where the incision site will be, and how visible scarring will be following surgery. This concern is perfectly understandable; after all, you don’t want scars to negate the effects of breast surgery, and you may not want scars that are unsightly or easily visible. Most cosmetic surgeons make incisions under your breast fold or under the armpit where they can hardly and rarely be seen; however, your surgeon may have other techniques. At the time of your consultation, your cosmetic surgeon will talk to you about incision sites based on your body type, implant choice, and daily lifestyle habits.

4. Choosing a cosmetic surgeon

When searching for cosmetic surgeons in your area, make sure that they have the appropriate certifications prior to making an appointment. You’ll want to make sure that the cosmetic surgeon you choose has been properly trained on how to perform breast augmentation, is up-to-date on current procedures, and has experience with the procedure. Your cosmetic surgeon should also have patient before-and-after photos of breast augmentation available for your perusal -- either on their website or at the office.

You may even want to browse medical review websites that feature feedback about cosmetic surgeons from patients and staff so you can learn more about the doctors you’re thinking about doing business with. At the time of your initial consultation, your surgeon should make you feel comfortable and confident about your decision to enhance your appearance through breast augmentation. Stay away from cosmetic surgeons who exhibit these warning signs, which could indicate that they’re not the right surgeon for you.

Are you considering having breast augmentation to enhance your physical appearance? GLOW Surgical Arts offers a variety of cosmetic surgery and minimally invasive procedures to help you look and feel beautiful. Request a consultation online, or call GLOW Surgical Arts at (650) 241-2209.