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How A Breast Lift Can Refresh Your Appearance

Written by GLOW Surgical Arts | April 30, 2015

As you continue to age, your breasts may lose volume, start to sag, or lose their shape and fullness. Or, perhaps your breasts will experience these types of changes if you recently lost a lot of excess weight, or have breastfed one or more children. Whatever the case may be, you could be an ideal candidate for a breast lift if your breasts meet any of these descriptions.

Breast lift surgery, which is also known as mastopexy, can help restore the shape of your breasts. The appearance of saggy breasts can be modified to result in a more perky and youthful shape, which may involve repositioning of your nipples and areolas. In addition to helping refresh your appearance, a breast lift can help restore your confidence, boost your self-esteem, and make you feel more attractive than ever before!

Physical benefits of a breast lift

There are multiple physical benefits associated with a breast lift, and your cosmetic surgeon can alter the appearance of your breasts in several ways, based on your cosmetic goals you. If your breasts are asymmetrical, a breast lift can help with making both breasts look identical. If your areolas have been stretched due to pregnancy or weight gain, they can be reduced to a smaller size. If your breasts have become saggy due to excess weight gain and weight loss, your cosmetic surgeon can remove excess breast skin to make your breasts look more perky. At the time of your initial consultation, you and your cosmetic surgeon can thoroughly discuss the different types of changes that can be made to your breasts through breast lift surgery.

Psychological benefits of a breast lift

Some women admit to feeling older and less attractive due to having sagging breasts, and reveal that their appearances often have a direct impact on their self-image, self-esteem, and confidence. Women who fare the best from breast lift surgery will go into surgery having realistic expectations. At the time of your initial consultation, you can speak to your cosmetic surgeon openly about your expectations. In most cases, your cosmetic surgeon can provide you with honest feedback in regards to whether what you want can be achieved through breast lift surgery.

Keep in mind that a breast lift will only affect the physical appearance of your breasts, and not your entire body. However, if the results produced by a breast lift make you feel happier and sexier, these feelings could have a halo effect and enhance the rest of your appearance.

If you’re looking to refresh the look of your breasts without changing their size, a breast lift may be the ideal procedure for you. If you’re also interested in enhancing the size of your breasts, you may also want to consider having breast augmentation. Some women choose to combine both procedures to help them achieve their most ideal look. At the time of your consultation, ask your cosmetic surgeon about the possibility of combining a breast lift with breast augmentation.

Are you interested in refreshing your look through breast lift surgery and/or breast augmentation? GLOW Surgical Arts offers a variety of cosmetic surgery and minimally invasive procedures to help you look and feel more attractive. Request a consultation online, or call GLOW Surgical Arts at (650) 241-2209.