Blog | GLOW Surgical Arts

Liposuction - What, How And Who?

Written by GLOW Surgical Arts | September 17, 2014

Between gossip magazines, reality TV and the internet, you could assume you know all there is to know about liposuction and SmartLipo. But the seemingly countless warnings about assumptions exist for a reason. Assumptions are dangerous because they often go hand in hand with overlooking potentially important details. At GLOW Surgical Arts we are frequently suprised by the misinformation surrounding liposuction and SmartLipo despite folks best effort to "do their research" before the consultation. So though we’ve blogged about it before we felt it was time for a refresher on lipo – what it is, how it works, and how to figure out whether or not it is a good option for you.

What is liposuction?

Put simply, liposuction removes unwanted excess fat to improve overall body appearance and to smooth irregular or distorted body shapes. Frequent target areas for lipo include under the arms, abdomen, flanks (love handles), back and thighs.

How does it work?

Liposuction targets the unwanted fat underneath the skin. In men, fat tends to gather around the chest, abdomen, and buttocks. For women, the problem areas tend to be the abdomen, waist thighs and bra/back area. The liposuction procedure involves a cosmetic surgeon using a tube (called a cannula) that, when inserted underneath the skin into the fat cells, breaks up those fat cells and allows them to be suctioned out. Thus, the fat is removed. At GLOW, we have fully embraced what we believe to be the best, most efficient, least invasive, and safest new method for the procedure: SmartLipo. The added assistance of the laser technology at our cosmetic surgeons’ disposal allows for decreased bruising and swelling in the patient, while also tightening the skin and a result of smooth, attractive contours and a shortened recovery time to boot. (By the way, if you find yourself still wanting more detail on how liposuction works at GLOW from beginning to end, we offer a comprehensive and free e-book for download that will cover everything.)


As with any cosmetic procedure, there are risks. With liposuction, however, they’re minimal. Bruising and swelling is not uncommon. More serious complications such as infection are rare but always going to be possible. There is a reason, of course, that liposuction is considered the most popular cosmetic procedure in the world. Well, several reasons.Among them: it’s minimally invasive, it’s fast, and relatively inexpensive. Oh, and the results are nice, too!

Liposuction and you – a good match?

Depending on what you’re hoping for as far as results go, and depending on what kind of impact on your body and self-image you’re expecting, the answer is most likely “yes.” For instance, yes, liposuction is permanent, so you can expect to have results that will last. However, liposuction is not a magic trick. And it’s not a “cure” for obesity. You could conceivably get liposuction, love the results, and then start to see features you don’t like return if you eat too much and don’t exercise. Real life still matters, in other words.

Whether or not lipo and you are a match is up to you. But our cosmetic surgeons are more than happy to work with you and help you determine whether or not lipo is a good option for you. That’s why a consultation with our team is both free and comes with no obligation. Click here or call (650) 241-2209 to schedule a consult any time.

Assumptions are dangerous. In this case, though, if you assume a free, no-obligation consultation with a GLOW cosmetic surgeon will be helpful in your liposuction decision making process… well, we’d say that’s a safe assumption to make!