Blog | GLOW Surgical Arts

A Cosmetic Surgery Procedure For All Seasons

Written by GLOW Surgical Arts | May 28, 2014

A quick look at the extended forecast should erase any doubt you might have about it. And the “it” is that the weather in the Bay Area, and in Redwood City specifically, is pretty much perfect. Unless, of course, you’re anti-sunshine. Good weather means a lot of things. Barbecues are being fired up more often than they were, say, two months ago. Swimming pools are suddenly an everyday option, and an appealing one at that. If you have allergies, you’re no doubt aware of the pollen in the air. It’s summertime! Cosmetic procedures might be more on the mind with the more ubiquitous sunshine, as well. After all, the term “beach body” is one most are quite aware of. We all deserve to like the way we look in a bathing suit — and if a cosmetic procedure can help you achieve that feeling, then now might very well be the time to go for it!

First of all, there is certainly no rule stating when you can and can’t elect to have a cosmetic procedure done. It’s not as if, for example, you can’t choose to have liposuction done until next spring if you don’t do it soon. On the other hand, it wouldn't be unusual if the increasingly sunny days have you thinking about a little body contouring. Many cosmetic surgeons have noticed that certain types of cosmetic procedures are more popular during certain times of the year. Facial surgeries seem to be more in demand in the winter months, especially around the holidays. This time of year, though, with summer fast approaching, it’s procedures like body contouring (including liposuction), and breast augmentation that see a spike in popularity. The reasons for the latter seem fairly safe to assume: bathing suit.

Right now is viewed by many as the prime season to consider those summery cosmetic procedures. Here’s a quick look at how these procedures might be able to fit into your life as we ramp up to summer:

Body contouring:

Tummy tucks are options for men and women who are in good health. Women trying to regain pre-pregnancy form might find the tummy tuck option to be precisely what they need to get their abdominal muscles to tighten, and to reduce “extra” skin. The procedure itself takes merely a couple of hours, but you’ll need to avoid strenuous physical activity for at least six weeks after the procedure. You and your GLOW cosmetic surgeon will work out a specific post-procedure plan for you, but in general, if it’s the beach, and bathing suit in mind… now is the perfect time to consider a tummy tuck as the calendar nears six weeks or so away from the peak of summer.

Liposuction is a minimally invasive procedure available to GLOW patients, and the procedure doesn’t take long at all. At GLOW, Smartlipo (laser assisted) both decreases bruising and swelling and shortens the recovery time. Within days, then, patients are able to return to life as normal and will see results immediately. Fully developed results might take several weeks, though, as patients will see more and more improvement as time goes on. In other words, just as with the tummy tuck, the end of May, start of June might be perfect timing with the bathing suit soon beckoning.

Fat transfers include liposuction, but take an additional step afterwards. Also called fat grafting, the procedure involves harvesting fat from one part of the body and re-injecting it into another. The goal? Increased volume in specific areas of the body that the patient feels have lost too much — including the face, hands, buttocks and breasts.

Results can be permanent, and recovery times will vary depending on the patient and the part of the body receiving the harvested fat, but a few days is usually a safe assumption. In other words, if it’s added volume you feel your body needs for bathing suit season, you’ve got options!

Breast augmentation:

No matter which direction you’re considering going with your breasts, a GLOW cosmetic surgeon can discuss your options with you. The fat transfer method discussed above can be applied to a breast augmentation, as can implants, breast lifts, or even reduction surgery. Whatever your goals are, they’re attainable. Recovery times will vary depending on which procedure you choose, but again, allowing several weeks for full recovery is a good idea. Which, again, makes these next few weeks the prime window to consider if you’re hoping to show off your new, improved body and self-image while the sun’s out.

There is no wrong time to start looking into or considering cosmetic procedures to improve how you feel about your body. It’s always a deeply personal decision process, and there is no wrong answer. But if the increased sunshine outside has you thinking more heavily about your options for the summer, then the timing has never been better to schedule (call us at(650) 241-2209 ligation consultation with one of our GLOW cosmetic surgeons.

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