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3 Myths About The Cost Of Breast Augmentation

Written by GLOW Surgical Arts | June 30, 2014

Due to lack of information and outdated resources, there are many myths about breast augmentation. Breast augmentation has been performed for decades, and the procedure has evolved enormously in that time.

Some false myths include the belief that only younger women can get implants, that breast implants always look "fake", and that implants are mostly for women who want to have very large breasts. Not true!

Here are some facts:

  • Women of all ages can get safe and beautiful results with breast augmentation.
  • Today's implants can give very natural-looking results. Doctors work with patients to give them a look that is flattering and meets their needs.
  • Many women are simply looking to enhance their breasts subtly. Results are about individual preference, not all women are looking for the same results.

The myth of cost

One of the most pervasive myths is around the cost of breast augmentation, and the idea that you have to be rich to afford the procedure. However, today, cosmetic procedures are accessible for most people.

Let's look at three common myths:

Myth #1: Only the rich and famous can afford breast augmentation.

This is simply not true. Because of advances in the industry, cosmetic procedures have never been more affordable. Many women who undergo breast augmentation are working mothers and entry-level professionals. You do not have to be a movie star to get breast implants.

Myth #2: You have to save up a large chunk of cash in order to have the procedure done.

This is another myth. Many offices will work with and finance patients who qualify. This depends on the office, but it is worth looking into. At GLOW Surgical Arts, we always provide one simple price that is all inclusive - no hidden fees, no complex line items, and no mystery.

Myth #3: If the cost of breast augmentation is affordable, it must not be quality work.

Breast augmentation costs far less than it did when the technology was new. Today, implants are more affordable than ever before. As with anything else, you should do your homework and check the references of the your proposed cosmetic surgeon. The best references are former patients who have had work done by your particular surgeon. Prices will vary according to location and other factors.

Find out for yourself!

The bottom line is that breast augmentation is a safe, affordable procedure that women of all ages and walks of life can benefit from. Whether you are a working mother looking to improve your post-baby body, or you have always wanted to enhance your figure, the cost of breast augmentation is most likely within your reach. The best way to find out if breast augmentation is for you is to simply make an appointment for an initial consultation. You can get your questions answered and find out if the procedure is right for you.