Blog | GLOW Surgical Arts

Is A Tummy Tuck Right For You?

Written by GLOW Surgical Arts | December 4, 2014

Abdominoplasty, which is more commonly known as a tummy tuck, is a surgical procedure that flattens your abdomen and improves its contour. During a tummy tuck, any loose, excess fat and skin is removed from your belly, and the muscles in your abdominal wall are tightened. In many cases, a tummy tuck can also remove stretch marks in your lower abdominal region that may have developed as a result of being pregnant or carrying excess weight.

A tummy tuck is most popular among women who have recently had a baby or have experienced massive and speedy weight loss. Most individuals who undergo a tummy tuck report having improved confidence and self-esteem following the procedure. In fact, many people who decide to have a tummy tuck also combine the surgery with a lower body lift and liposuction.

If you’re experiencing problems with tightening your abdominal region through diet and exercise, you might want to consider having a tummy tuck. Other reasons to consider a tummy tuck include:

The shape of your abdomen has been affected by experiencing massive weight loss or pregnancy.

  • Your protruding abdomen is making you feel unattractive.
  • Your confidence and self-esteem are being affected by the size and shape of your stomach.
  • You have stretch marks and excess skin that won’t go away with diet and exercise.

Are you an ideal tummy tuck candidate?

If you’re on the fence about whether to undergo tummy tuck surgery, schedule a consultation with a cosmetic surgeon who can provide you with more information about the procedure, and determine whether it’s ideal for you based on your body type.

Most ideal tummy tuck candidates meet the following requirements:

  • You are not a smoker. Smoking can increase the risk for major complications during and after surgery, and will also prolong the healing process. Quit smoking at least six weeks prior to tummy tuck surgery, and keep your surgeon informed about your progress.
  • You have abdominal muscle weakness or extra skin on your abdomen that has been caused by pregnancy, aging, genetics, or fluctuations in weight.
  • Your weight is relatively stable. If you are still in the process of losing weight and slimming down, you may want to wait a bit longer to have tummy tuck surgery so your surgeon can remove the maximum amount of loose skin.
  • You are in good physical health. Your body must be capable of withstanding a surgical procedure.
  • You do not have plans to become pregnant again. If you have a tummy tuck prior to becoming pregnant, the muscles that were repaired during surgery may separate once again at some point in your pregnancy.

GLOW Surgical Arts offers the proven cosmetic surgery procedures and treatments you’ve been seeking. All of our services are performed by experienced doctors, and we’re confident that you will find excellent service, genuine warmth, and reasonable rates at GLOW. Sign up for a free consultation or call GLOW Surgical Arts at (650) 241-2209.