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3 Major Cosmetic Problems Caused By Exercise

Written by GLOW Surgical Arts | December 11, 2014

Exercise is one of the healthiest activities for mind and body, and can help relieve stress, strengthen immune system function, and ward off major diseases such as cancer. From an aesthetic standpoint, exercise can help keep your skin looking youthful, tight, and smooth as a result of increased blood circulation. However, if you fail to take care of yourself properly given how often you exercise, you may be susceptible to developing dry skin, wrinkles, stretch marks, and an uneven silhouette, or figure.

Here are three major cosmetic problems commonly caused by exercise.

1. Sun damage

Exposure to UV rays on a consistent basis can cause your skin to wrinkle and sag, and could also lead to sunspots that emerge aggressively later in life. Swimmers, cyclists, runners, and athletes who spend time outdoors in general are most susceptible to sun damage. Before stepping outside, make the application of sunscreen a regular habit, and start wearing sunglasses and a hat. If your skin reaches the point where it is unable to produce collagen and elastin, and cannot fully repair itself, you can undergo chemical peel treatment or laser skin resurfacing to help reverse sun damage.

2. Runner’s face

Going for intense runs on a regular basis can eventually cause the skin around your cheeks and chin to become saggy as a result of having burned off too much fat underneath your skin. Running without adding strength training to your workout routine can also result in flabby, loose skin under your arms, on your legs, and in your midsection. If you’re a runner, make sure you do weight-training exercises at least twice per week to prevent sagging skin. If you are experiencing difficulty with reversing loose, flabby skin, schedule a consultation with your cosmetic surgeon to see if non-surgical skin tightening therapy can help, or if fillers are a better option based on your body type.

3. Fat that won’t go away with exercise

Since everyone’s body type is completely different from one another, weight loss will work differently for each individual. For example, some people may lose weight evenly throughout their bodies, whereas others may lose weight in their legs and buttocks before losing weight in their abdominal regions. If certain parts of your body won’t respond to exercise, look into getting liposuction or other body contouring procedures that can even out and contour spots that are exercise-resistant.

GLOW Surgical Arts offers the proven cosmetic surgery procedures and treatments you’ve been seeking. All of our services are performed by experienced doctors, and we’re confident that you will find excellent service, genuine warmth, and reasonable rates at GLOW. Sign up for a free consultation or call GLOW Surgical Arts at (650) 241-2209.