Blog | GLOW Surgical Arts

Breast Enhancement: Lift, Augmentation Or Reduction?

Written by GLOW Surgical Arts | October 2, 2013

Your body is going to change as you get older. As you live life and go through different time periods and experience different events, your body is going to be affected. For each of us, what that means exactly will differ. When it comes to your breasts, it really doesn’t matter why you might come to not like the way they look or feel. All that matters is that you are unhappy with the way that part of your body looks, and that you have options for how to go about improving the way your breasts enhance your self-image. And they should enhance it, not detract from it. You deserve to like the way your breasts look and feel, and you absolutely can.

First, it’s important to understand why your breasts might have changed to the point where you’re unhappy with them. Maybe you have always felt your breast are too small. If you’ve had kids and breastfed, it’s likely your breasts have lost some of their youthful shape and firmness. Weight fluctuations and heredity can factor in. You might see a loss of shape and firmness just from aging, gravity and nothing else. Time simply passing by is going to have an effect on your breasts. That’s normal. There are, unfortunately, plenty of reasons for why the skin around your breasts has lost some of its elasticity and resulted in a negative change in the way your breasts look. So, if that’s the case, what are your options?

Breast lift (mastopexy) – A breast lift procedure is ideal for a patient who wants to re-establish an aesthetically proportionate bust and regain some of that lost youthful shape and firmness. The procedure will not significantly change the size of your breasts. If you’re curious about whether or not a breast lift procedure is right for you try this simple test: put a pencil under your breast and see if it stays there. If it does, then yes, a breast lift procedure could potentially be a good option for you. The procedure itself is performed through incisions on your breast, which allows your GLOW cosmetic surgeon to reshape the tissue and remove excess skin to create a firmer, more youthful appearing breast. The exact plan, including where the incisions are made and how the nipple-areola is lifted, will be something you and your surgeon work out ahead of time. It depends on you, your body, and your goals for the surgery. You’ll be home the same night, returning to light activities within two days and able to return to work within a week of the procedure.

Breast augmentation – A breast augmentation is the best choice if you actually wish to increase the size of your breasts. Whether you’ve always considered your breasts too small or you’ve lost volume in them over time, breast augmentation can produce extremely satisfying results. At GLOW Surgical Arts, we use both saline filled and silicone gel implants in a range of sizes and shapes. The procedure itself takes less than 90 minutes, and you’ll be home the same night. There will be a follow-up office visit 1-2 days later, and your GLOW cosmetic surgeon will provide you with a detailed set of post-procedure instructions to ensure the best possible results. Everyone is different, but it won’t be long before you’re back to normal physical activities, back at work, and living life with breasts you genuinely feel good about.

Breast reduction – If you find yourself wishing your breasts were smaller, that’s possible as well. Overly large breasts can hurt your self-image just like small breasts can, not to mention the possible physical discomfort. Breast reduction surgery, also called reduction mammaplasty, allows your GLOW cosmetic surgeon to remove excess fat, glandular tissue and skin from the breasts to achieve a more appropriate size. Just as with a breast lift, your surgeon will be able to relocate the nipple-areola if that’s necessary. You’ll be home the same night of the procedure, back to light activities within two days and back at work within a week of the procedure.

The bottom line is this: however you feel about your breasts, whatever you wish to change about them, you can. Whether a breast lift, augmentation reduction or a combination of procedure makes the most sense depends entirely on your desires. If age, gravity, or just life in general has resulted in changes to the way your breasts look that you don’t like, though, know that there are options. Even if you’re simply curious and would like to learn more about any or all of the types of breast procedures available to you, we can help. Schedule a free, no obligation consultation with a GLOW cosmetic surgeon today.

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