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Fit & Fabulous For Fall

Written by GLOW Surgical Arts | September 25, 2012

As summer comes to an end and fall approaches our brains suddenly shift from “vacation mode” to “back to school mode”. Jumping back into the swing of things can often throw you off your usual schedule but shouldn’t throw you off from being fit and fabulous! Take advantage of this beautiful season with incorporating seasonal vegetables and fruits! Here are some helpful tips to keep you on track for the season!


Don't overlook the most ubiquitous fall fruit. While apples have long been associated with good health (an apple a day, anyone?), research has actually discovered a compound in the apple's skin called quercetin, a powerful anti-oxidant that may fight a host of diseases. (Don't discard the skin –buy organic to avoid pesticide residue, and give it a good washing.) Calcium, Vitamin C and folate make apples even sweeter.


This bulbous squash is good for more than jack-o-lanterns. Half a cup of pumpkin has about a full serving of of Vitamin A in the form of beta carotene, plus a healthy dose of potassium, more than 10% of the recommended daily amount.

Brussel Sprouts

Kids may give them a bad rap but this crunchy vegetable is incredibly good for you, with more Vitamin Cthan in an orange, plus Vitamin K, Calcium and folate. And roasted or pan-fried, they’re pretty tasty too.


Although lesser known than its cousin broccoli, this dark, leafy green is gaining a big following for its nutritional potency. One cup of chopped raw kale offers more Vitamin K than any other green. Kale is also high in beta-carotene, an anti-oxidant which is believed to boost the immune system and even help ward off certain types of cancers.


These nuts are a snack you can feel good about thanks to their half-day supply of Vitamin B6, which plays a role in boosting the immune system, keeping skin youthful and possibly even fighting lung cancer. Chestnuts are also high in fiber, which helps fill you up so you eat less.


Slice open the leathery-skinned, middle-eastern fruit and you’ll find glistening ruby seed packs, known as arils. They're not merely pretty: pomegranates are loaded with antioxidants and compounds called tannins that may help keep the heart healthy and lower "bad" cholesterol. An added bonus? The 5 grams of fiber per half cup of arils.

Turnip Greens

Leafy green turnip tops usually get tossed onto the compost heap. That's too bad: they are the most nutritious part of this autumn root vegetable. One cup provides 441 mg or about a half of the daily recommended amount of vitamin A (in the form of beta carotene, which helps promote good vision, as well as fight illness and build strong bones. Turnip greens also pack Vitamin C, folate, Vitamin K and calicum. Try these natural mutlivitamins in a salad or steamed.

With this wonderful selection of yummy foods you’re bound to come up with a seasonal recipe for the Fall. Step outside of your comfort zone and try something new! So the next time you’re at your local supermarket ask yourself this…Would I rather feel flab or fab?