Blog | GLOW Surgical Arts

Bathing Suit Season Is Here! Get Up And Get Moving!!!

Written by GLOW Surgical Arts | May 16, 2012

We’ve all heard the saying before, every time summer is approaching “I gotta get in shape for bathing suit season!” Easier said than done right? Have no fear Brittany is here to help you get on track to reach your health and fitness goals! First things first… Give yourself a goal… Goal setting plays a major part in achieving your fitness goals. I have always been a firm believer in buying a journal to log your workouts and what you’re eating. This will help tremendously with keeping you on track. Water, water, water! I cannot stress enough on how important it is to stay hydrated! (Especially during the summer when it’s hot!) What fun is getting into shape without healthy easy recipes?! I always find it exciting getting a new recipe to try every week! The warmer months are rapidly approaching, so why not get rid of the unhealthy food in your house and enjoy a brighter, thinner future? Here are a few helpful tips to get you started on a healthier path to summer!


If you’re still carrying some post-Christmas weight, why not hit the gym and shed those pounds? Join your local fitness centre with a friend or make the most of the great outdoors. All you have to do is eat less and move more, so do any activity that makes you happy – as exercise shouldn’t be a chore. Climb a mountain, go on a hike, ride a horse or ask a personal trainer to spur you into action before the warmer weather arrives.

Eat well

Losing weight should be fun, so find foods you like to eat and prepare well-balanced meals on a regular basis. Fill your plate with plenty of fruit and veggies and swap white pasta, rice and bread for brown alternatives (as these are better for you). Avoid calorie-laden snacks and make sure you’re not hungry – otherwise you’re more likely to graze. Try to eat small portions and stop yourself from nibbling late into the night, as the calories are more likely to turn to fat.

Put up photographs

If you want to fit back into your favorite skinny jeans or bikini, put a photograph of your wearing them on the fridge. This should keep you focused and will give your something to aim for. It’s easy to fall off the wagon, but having a clear goal in mind will certainly help. If you’re heading abroad over the summer, put a photograph of where you’re going in the kitchen for inspiration. Imagine walking along the beach in a brand new swim suit and think about feeling less tired when the weather’s hot.

Buy two new items of clothing

Head to the shops and buy two items of clothing that are slightly too small for you – and aim to fit into them by summer. This may seem like a waste of money, but it will give you something to work towards. It’s easy to pull on a pair of stretchy leggings, but it’s not so easy to squish into little black dress. Choose something you really want to wear and stick to your healthy eating regime – it’ll all be worth it in the end.