Scenario: You are a Botox regular. You get your treatments every 3-4 months religiously. You know
Botox and dermal fillers are a great fix. But in order to fully achieve a more youthful complexion, you need to think about skincare. A healthy mix of glycolic, anti-oxidants (vitamins A, C, and E), sun protection, and moisturizers is the key to a glowing complexion. Here is an example of a great skincare regimen:
Skincare is the best way to highlight the effects of a Botox or dermal filler treatment while preventing further aging of the skin. It does not stop the aging process completely, but it sure can slow it down. As always, make sure you drink plenty of water and eat fruits and vegetables. See my blog “Beautiful skin starts from the inside out” for more about the effects of foods on your skin.
At GLOW, we carry the IMAGE skincare line, which offers a wide variety of products based on your skin type. IMAGE carries products with the recommended antioxidants, glycolic and SPF. We can also dispense or prescribe Retin-A to complete your balanced skin care regimen.
Learn more about our IMAGE line, or stop by for a complimentary skin care analysis.
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