Blog | GLOW Surgical Arts

Breast Augmentation Basics: The Consultation

Written by GLOW Surgical Arts | July 31, 2012

Let's focus on the breast augmentation consultation in this third installment of the closely followed and eagerly anticipated Breast Augmentation Basics series. At this point, you've thought about breast augmentation for some time, and you've decided that it makes sense to pursue the idea further. You've done some homework on the whole process, including implants, the procedure itself, potential surgeons, and the recovery process. Now you are ready for the consultation!

Of course, you can always get the notion, spontaneously, that breast augmentation would be perfect for you, then schedule the first consultation available with the first halfway decent surgeon you can find. But is that really how you want to approach this? Take your time.

The consultation process is an important next step in your journey. This is where you will gather key information that will help you decide whether to have the procedure (at all), and with whom. What are the elements of a successful (i.e.. helpful and informative) consultation? Let's see if we can break that down:

  • The team: You will meet the Doctor (your surgeon) and the rest of the team. Get to know them. Are they sincere, and passionate about their work? Do they focus on educating you, and helping you through the decision making process? Are they listening? Do you like the team? After all, you will be seeing a fair bit of each other.
  • The options: Saline vs silicone, sub-glandular (below the breast) vs. sub-pectoral (below the muscle), size, shape, access, and to lift or not? So many questions! You should have a good understanding of your personal choices at the end of your consultation.
  • The exam: Are you a candidate for breast augmentation? Do the physical characteristics of your breasts allow for an augmentation that will meet your expectations? Will augmentation alone achieve your desired results, or will other work be required?
  • The potential results: Look at breast augmentation before and after photos of the Doctor's actual patients. Ask questions about them. Try to find photos of patients that are similar to you. Find out whether your expectations are reasonable, and if your Doctor will be able to meet them. While many surgeons perform breast augmentation, make sure your Doctor has sufficient training and experience to achieved the desired (reasonable) outcome.
  • The process: What type of pre-operative work is required? How many follow-up visits will be scheduled, and when? How long will the procedure take, and what can I expect on the day of the procedure? What limitations on activity can you expect, and when can you anticipate going back to work, or other normal activities?
  • Financial: What is the total cost of the procedure? What is included in this amount? Are there other costs that are not disclosed, or anticipated? What are the payment terms? This is a good time to look into financing options, if they happen to be of interest.

I know I've raised a number of questions here without providing too many answers. I'll be adding answers as we build on this series, but you can use this outline now as you begin the consultation process.

Take notes as you go along. You may not remember everything that was said, or you may have simply forgotten to ask something. A helpful team will always be available and willing to answer your questions. After all, aren't they there for you - to help you make the best (informed) decision for yourself? By the way, don't limit yourself to just one consultation. You have time on your side. Why not visit several surgeons, and take your time finding the best fit?

At GLOW, we're excited that you're embarking on this journey. We've helped numerous others, just like yourself, along the way. We enjoy the consultation process, take pains to educate our clients, and want you to make the best decision for yourself. If you would like to learn more about how we can help you with your breast augmentation questions or concerns, contact us anytime.

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