Blog | GLOW Surgical Arts

The Case Of The Sagging Breasts.

Written by GLOW Surgical Arts | December 5, 2011

It’s about time we addressed a very pressing matter. What are we going to do about all of those sagging breasts out there?

We know this doesn’t concern readers of this blog, but let’s face it: sagging breasts do exist, and they are here to stay.

We’re talking about breasts that have lost volume or shrunken in size, with a general downward tendency of the nipple. The skin seems less tight, the breast seems to just lie there on the lower chest (or upper stomach!), and you just can’t appreciate them when looking down like you used to.

Sound familiar? Not uncommon after a few years have passed, with an episode (or several) of breast feeding thrown in for good measure.

This can happen over time regardless of pregnancy or breast feeding, and sagging breasts with low riding nipples may be present right from the get go.

You don’t have to do anything about sagging breasts, but if you are of a mind to change how your breasts look, you have options.

Mastopexy, or breast lift surgery, is an out-patient procedure that involves tightening portions of the breast while elevating the nipple to achieve a natural, less droopy overall appearance. On occasion, breast implants may be required to get the volume and shape just right.

The result? More youthful appearing, full, and aesthetically pleasing breasts. If that upper breast volume (ie. cleavage) has been missing in action…..welcome back.

Another nice outcome: the way the whole torso (stomach and chest area) can simply look better as a unit, with more definition and exposure of the upper stomach area. Now it can’t hide behind those sagging breasts!

If this seems like a topic worth exploring further, drop by or call to learn more about how GLOW may be able to help.